작성일 : 14-06-25 19:36     
5 Tips for Praying When God Seems Distant    
글쓴이 : odfcc    조회 : 9,591

5 Tips for Praying When God Seems Distant

Prayer is such an integral part of our Christian faith, so much so that Jesus taught us how to do it. Prayer is a way of communicating our desires to God. It’s also a way of thanking Him for our blessings and asking Him for forgiveness for our transgressions. Prayer brings us closer to God and strengthens our faith!

There are times, however, when our faith isn’t as strong and God seems so far away. During these times prayer is vital. So, here are five tips for praying when God seems distant.

  1. Understand what scripture teaches us about prayer. For example, Mark 11:24 states the power of our faith in each prayer, Philippians 4:6-7 directs us to pass our concerns on to God via prayer and James 5:16 discusses the prayers of the righteous. Once you understand the power and value of prayer, you can better incorporate it into your daily life.
  2. Pray in peace. It’s not always easy to do this! But as often as you can, at least once a day, try to find a place where you can pray quietly. Whether it means stepping outside to a private spot, taking a walk or hiding in your room, praying in peace will allow you to really focus on what you want to communicate with God.
  3. Take the time. As Christians, we pray many times a day—morning and nighttime prayers, mealtime prayers and fervent prayers for grace, patience or peace throughout the day. But there should be at least one prayer during your day that should take extra time. Some people suggest waking up before others in your home and giving yourself both the peace and the time to really communicate with God. When you give yourself time to pray, you can give yourself fully to God, without interruption and with full, meditative focus.
  4. Listen. Prayer is many things. It’s an opportunity to speak privately with God. But prayer is also a time for listening. When you take that moment to actually connect with God, use some of it to silence your mind and listen. Sometimes we talk too much and never stop to hear a response!
  5. Never give up. Face it: You’re not always going to get what you want, but you will get what you need! So, don’t assume that when you offer a fervent, desperate prayer asking for something, but in vain, that God didn’t respond. Sometimes His answer is not to give you want you want because it’s not what you need. Trust in Him!

Prayer is a powerful way of growing closer to God. Jesus directed us to pray. So, make prayer a norm in your day and consider the tips above to help make each moment with God more meaningful.

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